The News Fake News Awards

by JOHN NOLTE18 Jan 20188139

President Trump has released his Fake News Awards. In the spirit of the historic occasion, Breitbart News came up with a few journalist awards of our own.

News Anchor Who Ran Fastest to His Mommy Crying

— CNN’s  Don Lemon

Dumbest News Anchor

— CNN’s Chris Cuomo

Most Pathetic News Outlet


Actually tried to kill Trump’s Fake News Awards with a story about how they “could violate ethics rules.”

Biggest Lie of the Year

— ABC News

Claimed that former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn was going to testify that candidate Trump asked him to contact the Russians. The truth is that as president-elect, Trump asked Flynn to contact the Russians, which is totally appropriate. ABC News did not even bother to retract or correct this lie. They only had disgraced reporter Brian Ross issue a “clarification.”


Most Desperate News Anchor

— CNN’s April Ryan

Between PieGate and constantly screaming, “ARE YOU A RACIST!” at President Trump, CNN’s April Ryan is by far the most desperate to viralize her own hysterical trolling, even if it means proving that her IQ hovers below room temperature.

Reporter Who Kissed the Most Girls and Made Them Cry

— Glenn Thrush of the New York Times


The young woman ordered an Uber — the receipt shows it was about 11 pm — and says she planned to call [her friend] Padró Ocasio back once inside the car. In the few minutes she waited, she said, Thrush walked back over to her and started to kiss her again. She began to cry. When Thrush saw, he abruptly walked off, waving his hand flippantly, and left her alone to wait for her ride, she said.

News Outlet That Lost the Most Influence in 2017 – Tie

— BuzzFeed News is now most famous for spreading fake news.

 Politico has not published a story that matters in forever.

— CNN, which no one believes anymore.

Anchors Who Lost So Much Influence in 2017 They Are Losing to Reruns of ‘Forensic Files’ on Headline News

 Ashleigh BanfieldS.E. CuppCarol CostelloMichaela Pereira

Top Fake News Newcomer


And Axios is just getting started.

Winner of the Brian Williams Award for Biography Falsehoods

— Jake “Down with da’ Struggle” Tapper of CNN

Most Willing to Pull Fake News out of Her Ass

— Alisyn “Corroborated” Camerota of CNN

Most Willing to Pull Fake News out of His Ass

— Jim “Very Fake News” Acosta of CNN

News Outlet Most Willing to Pull Fake News out of Its Ass

— The New York Times – August 2017

Months after Trump had already made a climate report public, the New York Times accused him of suppressing it.

Network Anchor in Whose Head Trump Lives the Most Rent-Free and Turns the Stereo Up Really Loud While Dancing as if Nobody’s Looking

— Joe “The Constant Meltdown” Scarborough of NBC News

News Outlet Where You Are Most Likely to Be Sexually Abused

 NBC News

News Outlet Where You Are Most Likely to Be Sexually Abused in Dulcet Tones

 National Public Radio

Biggest and Most Widespread Lie in All of the Media

— The false claim that Obama did not spy on Trump.

Bullying Reporter with Short-Man Syndrome Most Eager to Abuse His Power to Destroy Your Life

— Andrew “King of the Doxxers” Kaczynski of CNN

News Anchor Most Likely to Call You a “Fag”

— Joy “Gay Basher” Reid of NBC News

This Year’s Dan Rather Award for “Fake but Accurate”

— Katy “Feels True” Tur of NBC News

This Year’s Stephen Glass Award for Just Making Sh*t Up

— Maggie “Trump Has SuperTwitterBlockingPowers” Haberman of the New York Times

This Year’s Hillary Clinton Award for Protecting Democrat Sex Abusers – Four-Way Tie

— Mika “Slut Shamer” Brzynski of NBC News

— Andrea “Discredited” Mitchell of NBC News

— Kasie “Not Actually Groping” Hunt of NBC News

— Cokie “We Knew” Roberts of NPR

He-Man Woman-Haters Enabler Award

— Jeff Zucker of CNN and NBC



This Year’s Roman Polanski Don’t Leave Him Alone with Your Child Award

— Chris “Look at the Penis” Cuomo of CNN

Most Eager to Promote Domestic Terrorism Award

 The Washington Post – August 2017

Charlottesville Showed Liberalism Can’t Defeat White Supremacy. Only Direct Action Can:

In April 1968, amid a flurry of other “rocks,” riots shook American cities following the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. It took that rolling unrest, not the promise of further economic growth, to spur President Lyndon Johnson and Congress to action. Within a week, they had passed the Fair Housing Act.

During the past century, liberalism, vexed by an ever-sharp, ever-cutting white supremacy, has needed these rocks. …

Segregationists have again assumed their pedestals in the Justice Department, the White House, and many other American temples. Paper alone will not drive them out. Start throwing rocks.

Worst Display of Anti-Christian Bigotry

— The Washington Post – January 2017

Trump picks former Georgia Governor Sonny Perdue, who once led a prayer for rain, for agriculture secretary.”

Most Ignorant About Guns

— USA Today – November 2017:

A look at the gun used in the Texas church shooting.

— USA TODAY (@USATODAY) November 8, 2017

Biggest Liar About Guns

— CNN’s Jim Acosta – December 2017

CNN’s Jim Acosta Claims ‘1,552 Mass Shootings’ Since Sandy Hook

Most Eager to See Trump Assassinated

— CNN – All Year Long

Biggest Liar About Martin Luther King

— Zeke “Too Good to Check” Miller of Time

Biggest Credibility Collapse Due to Trump Derangement Syndrome, Whom Nobody Reads Anymore – Tie

— Josh “oops, Oops, OOPS!” Rogin of the Washington Post

— Chris “LieLieLie” Cillizza of CNN

Highest Number of Qualifiers and Caveats in a Fake News Story

— CNN – March 2017 [emphasis added]

US Officials: Info Suggests Trump Associates May Have Coordinated with Russians

The FBI has information that indicates associates of President Donald Trump communicated with suspected Russian operatives to possibly coordinate the release of information damaging to Hillary Clinton’s campaign, U.S. officials told CNN.

More here.

Biggest Rape Denier

— Brian “Some Rapes Are Better Left Unreported” Stelter of CNN

Journalist Who Came Closest to Bombing a Jewish Community Center

 Juan Thompson

Most Shameless Liar About Obama’s Spying on Trump

— Brian “Bam Bam” Stelter of CNN.

Watch Brian celebrate a “transcript” from a wiretap taking down Mike Flynn.

Watch Brian report a “wiretap.”

Watch Brian blast the president for believing Brian’s reporting.

See the effects of year-long stress eating on Brian.

Most Willing to Lie to the Jimmys

— Jake Tapper of CNN

Tapper regularly goes in search of affirmation and celebrity on the late-night shows and tell liesabout Trump.

Most Neurotic Snowflake

— Ana “Trump Ruined My Eclipse” Navarro of CNN

Most Insightful Peek into Their Hatred of Israel

 New York Times – April 2017

The Times would like to welcome convicted terrorist Marwan Barghouti as an op-ed writer…

Most Audacious Lie

— Jeff “CNN’s Credibility Has Never Been Higher” Zucker

Uhm, yeah, no.

Greatest Reddit Faceplant

— Chris “Everybody Hates Chris” Cillizza

Fact Checkers Who Lie the Most – Three-Way Tie

— The Washington Post

— Snopes

— PolitiFact

Most Guilty of Screaming, “Banana! Banana! Banana!”

— CNN – November 2017

Trump Killed the Fish!”

The Walter Mitty Award for Always Making Himself the Hero

— #JakeSoWoke Tapper

Biggest Reducer of Carbon Dioxide into the Atmosphere

 Keith Olbermann – Retired

Most Racist Media News Outlet


Anchor Who Gifted America with More Schadenfreude than Any Other

— Jorge “SadFace” Ramos of Univision

Most Overhyped (and Overpaid) Anchor Who Most Overhypes Anti-Trump Scoops

— Megyn “Show Us on the Doll How Trump Asked for Your Phone Number” Kelly of NBC News

Anchor Who Lost the Most Moral Authority

— Chuck “I see nothing! Nothing!” Todd of NBC News

Told the Biggest Lie About One of Frank Sinatra’s Children

— CNN – January 2017

If CNN will lie about the little things, imagine how much CNN lies about things that matter.

Ran the Fastest Away from Their Own Reporting Because Trump Believed It

— The Washington “Elephant? What Elephant? Post – January 2017

Forced to Fire the Most People over Trump Hate and Lies While Still Managing to Employ the Most People Who Lie About and Hate Trump


Out of Touch Award

 The Washington Post for thinking no one would care if we learned that their religion writer for more than two decades was a practicing occultist who believes she murdered people with curses.

Follow John Nolte on Twitter @NolteNC. Follow his Facebook Page here.